Saturday, June 23, 2018

Hum fit toh India fit

#Hum fit toh India fit Amidst the HUHA of FIFA guess who made the headlines worldwide. Our own native baby Yoga .But as the world celebrated the international yoga day somewhere India has not been able to preserve and explore the endless spectrum of advantages Yoga brings to the table. Yoga the golden legacy is most underutilized art in its own motherland. The west has understood the importance of this physical, mental and spiritual discipline. Moreover they have also been able to customise and commercialize it to suit their palate. For example there is an entire paraphernalia associated to make yoga a comfortable experience. You have a wide range of clothes to choose from, yoga mats of different textures, colours and cool comfortable places of practice are called studios which have personal trainers. Irony right as yoga was an art form to be performed in austerity to attain peace and nirvana. So now are very own country is buying this westernized yoga instead of going back to the roots and understanding in the true sense our golden legacy. How do we do it?? Like they say back to the basics. Yoga should be made a compulsory 15 minutes activity in government and private educational institutions. It has countless benefits, for instance it helps kids to concentrate better therefore they can perform better in their day to day curriculum. Another action point could be to make yoga compulsory of all government and private offices, Banks, medical institutions, municipal corporations etc . . . . It must be a mandatory 15 minute activity. In fact for starters and to set it as an emphatic example Prime minister along with the entire parliament and his entourage of bureaucrats should start doing this every morning and it should telecast live on the national network. That would be the genuine and true spirit of the challenge; # Hum fit toh India fit

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