It’s been quiet sometime that I have blogged .but today’s happenings at the parliament forced me to pen down a few words. No I don’t want to remember this day as the day when the GREAT NUCLEAR DEAL brought a trust vote motion in the lower house of the parliament and how the prime minister won it with a single minded pursuit. Agreed a very impressive victory. I even don’t want to remember this day as the day when wades of cash were waved in the respected house of the largest democracy. Or how the prime minister of the country is not allowed to speak in the house. I don’t want to remember this day when all the channels featured long debates called this as the great Indian deal bazaar.
Then one would wonder what makes this day memorable for me .I shall always remember this day when a member of parliament who represents the face of young India stood up and said that I would like to speak ‘ as an Indian’.
Yes Rahul Gandhi made a very important and very conveniently forgotten point by the politicians. I would like to ask them one small question,”What are you fighting for ?and most important for whose benfit’, yours, mine or this nations.
I know Rahul Gandhi’s speech forced all of us to think but I think the the hero of the day and the most touching speech was of Mr Omar Abdulla. How loud and clear was he when he said that, ‘till the last Muslim lives in the Kashmir valley the Hindus can fearlessly walk to Amarnath and offer the prayers. I am a Muslim and I am an Indian’.He is what I say A GENUINE INDIAN
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Woman's Day
A very happy woman's day to all the netzians.
Fun &frolic as usual dominated the woman's day celebrations in Sun City this year too. Thanks to the very few volunteers it was a great success. Right from cooking competition where one had to make the speciality of her state and which was not an easy task for the simple reason that it had to be a four course properly arranged meal to the song and dances every moment was enjoyed. There was good music and children danced all the time as their mothers were busy in the various competitions being held simultaneously. Passing the parcel and statue dance was just to name a few. Not to forget the stalls that were set up selling clothes food (chats, dhokla and yummy samosa) and other house decorating stuff.A special mention should be made about our evergreen enthusiastic senior citizens who sang a beautiful group song.What best to end the night than with the Tam bola? After which many of the couples went to the stage and danced for a while.It was certainly a very well managed programme and the volunteers must be appreciated and thanked for the time and energy they spent to organise the event.
Monday, February 4, 2008
वट vrich कि आत्म katha
यूगों युगों से यहीं खड़ा रहता हू
रवि कि तपिश और वरुण कि थाप सहता हूँ
जड़ और चेतन के बीच का इतिहास कहता हूँ
सौ साल पुराना में वट वृच आपकों
सदर प्रनाम कहता हूं.
मुझे याद नहीं कि मेरी नींव किसने रखी 'किसने मुझे बोया ,बस इतना याद है की एक बर्रे पूरे परिवार में मेरा जन्म हुआ था । घने जंगल के उच्चे पदों के बीच म्मधुर बचपन गुजरा .सुरम्य वातावरण ,सुंगंधित हवा के झोकों ने मेरे कोमल कोपलों को सहलाया था।आनंद के दिन और मनमोहक रातें हुआ करती थी।
एक दिन मैंने देखा कि कुछ महिलाएं सजी हुई थालियाँ लेकर पदों के झुरमुट कि तरफ चली आ रहें हैं । में असमन्जस में था .यह क्या हु रह है? फिर एक महिला ने दिया जलाया । आग देख कर में टू भेयभित ही हो गया .मेरे बडे भैया ने फिर मुझे समझाया कीई यह महिलाएं हमारी पूजा करने आई हैं .उन लोगों ने मेरे साथ साथ मेरे भाई बहनो और मेरे दोस्तों कि भी पूजा की.कुंकी ऐसी मान्यता हैं की वन ,पेड़ पौधे देव तुल्य होतें हिन् .उनकी पूजा और रचा करनी चाहियें .पेड़ हमें अत्यंत बहुमूल्य चीजे प्रदान करतें हैं, जैसे फल ,फूल ,लकडी इत्यादी।
उन दिनों कि बात ही कुछ और थी.वन में हर्रे भरे जंगल और जंगल में अनेक तरह के पशू पश्ची उन्मुक्त विचरते थे .उन्हें किसी अकेतक का भय नही था .सबके लिए प्राप्त भोजन था .मेरी शाखाओं पर भी कई प्रकर के पंछियों का घरोंदा था .चिदियूं के चेह्चाहत से पुरा वन दिन भर गूंजता रहता था मनो किसी संगीत का निर्माण हु रह हैं ।
मानव जाती भी वनों का सम्मान और रचा में कोई क़सर नहीं छोडती। जंगल के महत्त्व से सबको अवगत करना अपना कर्तव्य मानती.एक बार टू में खुद जंगल में बससे गुरुकुल के गुरुजी कि बात सुनी थी .वह अपने शिस्यूं को बता रहे थे कि की कैसे जंगल हमारी सम्पदा हैं .कैसे जंगल बारिश के दिनों में पानी के भाव से भूमि के कटाव को रोकता हैं.कैसे पढ़ वायु कि शुद्ध करते हैं और जीवन वायू का निर्माण भी करते है।
फिर युग बदले समय ने करवट ली .जन्संक्यान बदने लगी टू लोगों ने जंगलों को कट कर घर बना शुरू कर दिए .अपनी इन्ही आखों से मैं अपने भी बन्धुओं कि निर्मम हत्या देखी है .आरी से अपनी मान का कलेजा कटते देखा है.आप सोच रहे होंगे कि में कैसे जीवेत रह गया?जिस चोव्धारी जी का घर मेरे पूर्वजो कि लाश पर बना उनके पोते को मुझ से प्यार हो गया इसलिए उसके निवेदन पर मुझे छोड़ दिया गया ,सही भी था आखिर आगन में एक पेड़ टू हों है चाहिऐ इथिहस का सचात्कर करवाने के लिए ।
और इस तरह सौ बरस बीत गए.इन बूढी आखों ने अपने नीचे मुग़ल बद्षा के कारिन्दों कि मुनादी होते देखी और देखी हिन्दुस्तानी हुकूमत पर ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी कि जीत।
फुट डालों और राज करों।(
seshs अगली बार)
Friday, January 4, 2008
Tarare Zameen Par
I think it is the first time that I am commenting or making a remark about a movie which I have watched but something about this film forced me to pen down my thoughts .Not many of the so called bollywood flicks ring a bell in my mind so strong and for so long as did this directorial debut of amir khan.
TZP unquestionably is a very poignant picture. Its not only the story of Ishan that moved me as he was a patient of dyslexia trapped in a labyrinth of expectations and his failure to live up to them. It was actually the small speech that Amir gave to Ishan's parents which was sole stirring. I am sure that many of us would identify with the kind of anxiety Amir was talking about.
The pressure to always be THE NUMBER ONE. True not even marks like 95% or 96% brings recognition to the student because somewhere in the competition there is a98% standing. Ironically not even 100% is an adequate amount these days because quite a few students manage even that. So as amir said "lage hue hai sab ungli ko kheech kar lambi karne mein".
TZP is essentially a movie which parents teachers and children must watch.
For me the movie has reaffirmed my conviction that not all of us can become doctors or engineers best but yes we all can try and outshine wherever we are .
TZP unquestionably is a very poignant picture. Its not only the story of Ishan that moved me as he was a patient of dyslexia trapped in a labyrinth of expectations and his failure to live up to them. It was actually the small speech that Amir gave to Ishan's parents which was sole stirring. I am sure that many of us would identify with the kind of anxiety Amir was talking about.
The pressure to always be THE NUMBER ONE. True not even marks like 95% or 96% brings recognition to the student because somewhere in the competition there is a98% standing. Ironically not even 100% is an adequate amount these days because quite a few students manage even that. So as amir said "lage hue hai sab ungli ko kheech kar lambi karne mein".
TZP is essentially a movie which parents teachers and children must watch.
For me the movie has reaffirmed my conviction that not all of us can become doctors or engineers best but yes we all can try and outshine wherever we are .
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